TOOLS FOR LIFE... A series of 4 x 1 hour workshops for children designed to improve confidence, self-belief, calmness and focus, and therefore their ability to learn. Hypnotherapy techniques are used, but not under hypnosis, along with mindfulness and meditation techniques, self-empowering tools which will be used throughout life.
Group size usually of around 6-10 and in the 10-13yr age group, although there is always flexibility.
What it is 'to focus' and what it isn't. Why it can be difficult for some, and why it's so important in the process of learning. Exploring meditation techniques to induce a higher state of focus and generate tools for life.
1. PROJECT - Focus on focus
2. PROJECT - Learning to learn
A workshop to cultivate learning techniques; how to learn effectively, especially with regard to focus, alertness, relaxation and enthusiasm... tools for life.
3. PROJECT - Relax to succeed
Teaching small groups of children (or adults, this one's for the teachers too?) mindfulness and meditation techniques to help bring about calmness and the ability to relax... tools for life and improved learning abilitiy.
4. PROJECT - Super Power!
This workshop will especially benefit children with a low self esteem and lacking confidence. Boosting their self-belief to overcome shyness which affects their work and social interaction. Empowering techniques to bring out those super powers within. More confidence enhancing tools for life.